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Celebrate, Heal, Balance & Restore with Me (Gift Inside!)

Celebrate, Heal, Balance & Restore with Me (Gift Inside!)

I have experienced many dark days where I struggled with healing my bloating, mood swings, and stress.

I was so frustrated with the medical system because they had no answers for women who were also struggling with hormone and gut issues. I decided that despite having zero experience creating a supplement or a program, I would take a risk and set out to help others like me who were struggling, it became my number one priority. I combined my deep passions for ancient Ayurvedic healing and science-backed research and got to work. 

After much trial and error I finally cracked the code and birthed my signature supplement, Balance and Restore. This supplement is the exact blend I used to help me successfully fight low energy, bloating, weight gain and acne breakouts. Since it's release I have been able to witness my clients experience the same life-changing benefits.

It took blood, sweat, tears and a lot of dedication, but I made it my life's mission to achieve what I have to date. I am living proof that you can manifest what it is you desire, and that with strong intentions and a clear 'why' you can set out to achieve what it is you want for yourself and others in life. Balance and Restore in Marie Claire

This week Balance and Restore was featured in Marie Claire. Even at this stage in my career, this is a big feat for me, one that I can firmly say I am proud of. To be featured in such a mainstream publication read by millions feels incredibly satisfying, especially knowing that the benefits of Balance & Restore can now serve a greater audience.

In honesty, I was hesitant about sharing this news, old limiting beliefs were dragged up that had me thinking 'I don't want to sound like I'm bragging', but I decided in order to breed more positive results I must embrace my achievements and today I want you to share in my celebration.

Firstly, a celebration gift!

I am offering a 15% discount for the next week on Balance and Restore. This is a great time, with spring upon us, to do some internal 'spring cleaning' and get ready for a summer of wellness. To claim this discount, simply type the code 'celebrate15' at checkout.

Secondly, a challenge!

I'm inviting you to share your achievements and wear them with honor. Whether it's simply telling a friend or family member about a cool advancement at work or home, or shouting it loud and proud on social media ....or even commenting on this post and sharing with me! 

I'm celebrating with you :)Â