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How to Stay Healthy During the Holidays 

How to Stay Healthy During the Holidays 

How fasting and three other practices can help you stay on track during this time of the year

The holidays are here, and with it comes indulgent customs like indulgent meals, sugar-filled sweets and alcoholic drinks. While these traditions can definitely add on extra pounds and make you feel sluggish by the time the New Year comes around, continuing circadian fasting—along with a few other practices—can ensure that you stay healthy both physically and mentally. Here are my four simple and realistic tips that will help you during the holidays. 

1. Do shorter fasts 

This isn’t the time to try to do 16+ hour fasts. Instead, be practical and keep your fasts around 12 hours minimum. Ensure that you have at least 12 hours between the last food that you consume, whether it’s one chocolate or glass of wine, and your first meal the next day. This will keep your blood sugar levels balanced and you will still reap all of the benefits of circadian fasting. 

2. Nature


Spending time in nature can help you to be successful at circadian fasting, especially when your schedule may have fluctuated because of the holiday season. Make sure you go outside at least once a day, preferably in the morning before 10:00 A.M. to get sun and increase vitamin D and melatonin levels. Nature also helps to reduce anxiety and stress, which can be higher during these times for many people.

3. Limit food groups

If you want to indulge during the holiday season, you can, as long as you pick and choose what you want to indulge on. If you are having sugar and wine, then avoid gluten and dairy, or vice versa. 

4. Movement 


Exercise is so important for your physical and mental health. Exercise releases endorphins and also keeps your muscles and heart strong. Be sure to get at least 20-minutes of movement each day, whether it’s a walk, yoga or climbing up the stairs. 

5. Water 

The importance of water is huge. Water carries nutrients to our cells and keeps our organs functioning properly. Make sure you are drinking 80-100 ounces of water each day, to flush out toxins and stay hydrated.

To help you stay on track during the holidays and after the New Year, book a one-on-one consultation with me, here