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Optimize Your Mind-Body-Spirit Health

Optimize Your Mind-Body-Spirit Health

Today I have a short quiz for you to test your mind-body-spirit health.

The brain and the body are so intertwined that if one of these is falling short, you will feel it in every area of your health.

The quiz is 5 questions to help you understand if you’re optimizing all 3 parts.

If your answers are averaging around a 4 or 5, you’re in good shape. Don’t worry if your score is lower than you’d like - we've got you covered! You can enter your information here for some free resources to help you make adjustments: Mind-Body-Spirit Quiz – AmyMD - Life is short. Live well. (

These will be guides, specific podcast episodes etc that can help you target the areas that may need improvement. Health of the mind, spirit and body are each individually important but we can’t have one without the other. I want to help you find the foods, the routines, the knowledge that will uplift each of them.
Remember, no one is coming to save you -- you have to save yourself!
Dr. Amy