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How To Fast and Eat During Different Stages Of Your Menstrual Cycle

A thorough guide to fasting during your cycle

For women, fasting is more complicated than men, primarily because of our body's ever-changing hormones. A research done in the field of gynecology shows that up to 25-percent of women suffer from menstrual irregularities. Another research published in the National Library of Medicine shows how hormones are inextricably linked to our mental, emotional and sensory health. All of these findings suggest that women should prioritize hormonal health for their well-being. Many doctors believe that hormonal imbalances are frequently triggered by bad eating habits that can be fixed by having a balanced diet and conscious fasting. Recently a new term “cycle syncing” has been introduced in the wellness circuit that means modifying your diet in accordance with your menstrual cycle. Here is how you should fast and what you should eat during each of the phases of your menstrual cycle. 

Menstrual cycle

For days 1-7, you can start circadian fasting and restart higher intensity workouts if desired. Stay hydrated and eat lots of spinach, leafy greens and natural sources of iron. Magnesium-rich foods can soothe cramping on the first three days.

Follicular phase 

This phase begins after menstruation and is from roughly day 8-14 of your monthly cycle. Go for it! This is the time to try a “push” fast—something one to two hours longer then your usual). This is a time that you can also increase your carbohydrates so that you have energy to work out. Your insulin sensitivity is excellent during this time.

Ovulatory phase

Day 14 is the day you ovulate. You will have a higher body temperature and your sex drive and your testosterone levels will be highest. Day 15- 21 are the early luteal phase. Your body temperature may still be high from ovulation for the first couple of days, so be careful of overheating with exercise. This is when you should start to move to higher protein and lower carbohydrate foods. During the luteal phase your insulin sensitivity starts to decrease, especially in the next phase from day 22 to 28.


Luteal phase 

This phase is after ovulation and before menstruation and is roughly day 22 to day 28 of your cycle. This is the late luteal phase otherwise known as PMS. This is the time to switch to more self-care, soothing exercises, stress relief and short or no fasting. Aim to have high protein meals and incorporate things like soothing peppermint tea or chai latte with no caffeine, which will satisfy your cravings, yet not add a high sugar load. If you want a treat, try a piece of dark chocolate, which can help with cravings. Also, focus on  magnesium-rich foods and take melatonin in the evening to help with sleep disturbance.

We hope you found this helpful—if so, please share! check out some additional resources and products for support below.

If you want to check out our Balance + Restore supplement, order it here.

Chai latte is a great way to lower blood sugar so that your pms symptoms are easier. Check it out here.

Also, check out our meal plans here as well if you need a full overhaul for your body.

Finally, book a consultation with Dr. Shah here for a personalized, customized plan for you!

 Try my Chai Latte Drink Mix that are fasting friendly with just a half a scoop + Balance + Restore Hormonal Support Supplement. 

To get more information on fasting and eating for your cycle, join my membership site, which has EXCLUSIVE information and content for you about gut health, fasting, hormones and cycles.

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